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- Raw materials processing - Animal feed & flours.
Raw materials processing - Animal feed & flours.
Integral control systems for factories dedicated to the elaboration of products derived from raw materials manufacturing processes.
The factories integral automation affects to the different stages of the productive process. AUGI has modular solutions that adapt specifically to each one of these stages.
Raw materials unloading control
Automated systems for the reception, coordination and management of raw materials.
- Vehicle identification (BCR, RFID, SVA) at the entrance, in the loading zones and exit.
- Vehicle calibration and weighting.
- Cargo sampling.
- Automated transport to the right silo without error, according to the raw material and batch.
- Batch control and traceability up to the supplier.
- Vehicle registry and control of trips, location, travelling times, driver, etc.
- Activity historical recording in the data base.
Automated dosing systems
Automated raw materials dosing systems according to preset formulas.
- Raw materials precision dosage.
- Residual weighting control and autocalibration of dosing systems.
- Remote truck scales management (calibration, testing, verification, configuration, etc).
- Mixing formulas and prescriptions data base with validation and verification mechanisms.
- Process announcements and alarms system (tolerance, exhausted material, empty silo, cloggings, etc).
- Follow up and traceability of production orders, mixings, batches and raw materials.
- Stocks regularization.
- Dosing of liquids, additives, microingredients, medicines, etc.
- Manual dosing and verification.
- Consumption, production, stocks and products reports.
Transformation processes
Control and regulation systems for product transformation processes.
AUGI implements in the automated control system the automatic regulation of the transformation processes inherent in the manufacturing, optimizing the efficiency of each stage. Among others AUGI has developed logarithms adapted to regulate:
- Mills
- Granulators, pelletizers and steam flaking mills
- Molasses mixers
- Fat-sprays mixers
- Conditioners
- Washers
Transport and storage of raw materials and finished products
Automated conveyor control system to transfer raw materials and products to within the plant sections.
To automate the transfer of raw materials and products from stage to stage of the transformation process, and storing silos, AUGI designs the conveyor control system with the following specifications:
- Conveyor route selection depending on origin, destination, raw material / product and/or incompatibilities.
- Sequential start up of conveyor motors respecting the corresponding interlocks.
- Automatic sequetcial conveyor stopping, taking into account the cleaning times for each equipment.
- Selection of several product destination and automatic changeover in case of full silo or manual selection.
- Automatic conveyor cleaning process when changing products, batch or destination.
- Blocking of equipment in use to avoid undesired mixings.
- Automatic conveyor routing system according to the destination silo and product priority.
Finished products loading and expedition
Expedition and logistics systems integrated in the productive process control.
- Transport vehicles identification (BCR, RFID, SVA) at the entrance, in loading zones and exit.
- Vehicle calibration and weighting.
- Automatic loading authorization upon vehicle identification and loading ticket confirmation.
- Batch control and traceability up to the client.
- Vehicle registry and control of trips, location, travelling times, driver, etc.
- Activity log file register in the data base.
Factory retrofittings
Integral retrofitting and automation of production plants.
Upgrading and retrofitting of installations, control and automatization of existing plant. AUGI carries out projects at local and international level.
If you are not able to get desired performance of your plant, AUGI will rehabilitate, adapt optimize it in accordance with your new technical requirements, legislative and from management.
Obsolete control systems are replaced for a SCADA control and data acquisition, including the rehabilitation of the facilities as well as the cabinets of the plant.
That way we improve the quality of the manufactured product, the performance substantially increase and unnecessary operations are eliminated (repetitions) thereby reducing risk of the human error, bringing enormous savings in time and manufacturing costs through an efficient use and analysis of information.
Project references
These are some examples of projects carried out by AUGI world wide, where the CIPP platform has been implemented.
AGROPIENSOS, Huesca, Spain - Feedmill plant 1.
PINSOS ARTIGAS, Girona, Spain - Feedmill plant.
AGROPIENSOS, Huesca, Spain - Feedmill plant 2.
PROAN, Jalisco, México - Feedmill plant.
COOP. PRODUCTORES DE LECHE DOS PINOS, Costa Rica - Feedmill plant.
PROAN, Jalisco, México - Railpuert for raw materials.
GRUPO MELO - SARASQUETA & CIA, Panama - Feedmill plant.
NUTREX PINSOS, Girona, España - Feedmill plant.
PROAN, Jalisco, México - Railport enlargement.
STAVROPOLSKIY BROILER, Stavropol, Russia - Feedmill plant.
AVICOLA LOS ALTOS, Jalisco, México - Feedmill plant.
GRANJA AVíCOLA CHICHI, Venezuela - Feedmill plant.
AGROPECUARIA SANTA TERESA, Jalisco, México - Feedmill plant.
AVIGRUPO, Estado de México, México - Plant under construction. Expected commissioning 2nd Half 2013
GRUPO VEROZ, Venezuela - 4 Plants under construction. Expected commissioning 2nd Half 2013